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Have you always dreamed of speaking another language? Traveling to Italy and striking up a conversation with the locals? Wowing your friends by ordering dinner in perfect French? Would you like to get a leg up in your career by speaking Spanish – or even Mandarin Chinese?
Now you can learn any new language—even if you found it impossible before—with Pimsleur’s proven method. With the exclusive Pimsleur Method, there’s no studying, no memorizing, no vocabulary, no complicated rules. You’ll be able to learn any language you want as you go about your day. You can learn on your way to work ... while you’re out running errands ... cooking dinner ... or walking the dog ... in just 30 minutes a day.
In fact, Pimsleur’s scientifically-proven Method is so powerful, you’ll actually start speaking a new language after just one lesson.
How is it possible? 50 years ago, Dr. Paul Pimsleur, a linguistics professor and researcher at Ohio State University and UCLA, discovered that the way to rapidly acquire a new language is by hearing the language used in everyday situations and interacting with it so it easily sticks in your mind.
I moved to South Florida where a lot of people speak Spanish and felt left out of conversation many times. After a couple of months of listening in the car ... I now understand a lot of spoken Spanish....I have several new friends as a result of my effort to learn."
Through his research, Dr. Pimsleur found that traditional teaching methods like memorizing vocabulary, conjugating verbs, and practicing grammar actually SLOW DOWN your ability to learn. He called them the kiss of total silence because they made it nearly impossible to speak. It’s the reason learning a language feels so difficult, when it should feel totally natural.
It makes sense when you think about it. Have you ever seen a toddler memorizing vocabulary lists? Or picking out parts of speech in a sentence diagram? Of course not. Children learn language the way we were meant to—by listening. That’s because we are hardwired to remember sounds and store them in our memory automatically.
It’s the same way you pick up a song on the radio. You don’t have to study the lyrics or understand musical notes and chords to remember a song. Chances are, if you hear a song once you can sing along the next time you hear it.
I moved to South Florida where a lot of people speak Spanish and felt left out of conversation many times. After a couple of months of listening in the car ... I now understand a lot of spoken Spanish....I have several new friends as a result of my effort to learn."
Through his research, Dr. Pimsleur found that traditional teaching methods like memorizing vocabulary, conjugating verbs, and practicing grammar actually SLOW DOWN your ability to learn. He called them the kiss of total silence because they made it nearly impossible to speak. It’s the reason learning a language feels so difficult, when it should feel totally natural.
It makes sense when you think about it. Have you ever seen a toddler memorizing vocabulary lists? Or picking out parts of speech in a sentence diagram? Of course not. Children learn language the way we were meant to—by listening. That’s because we are hardwired to remember sounds and store them in our memory automatically.
It’s the same way you pick up a song on the radio. You don’t have to study the lyrics or understand musical notes and chords to remember a song. Chances are, if you hear a song once you can sing along the next time you hear it.
I learn Hindi while I drive to work. I've started dating an Indian guy. He lights up every time I talk to him in Hindi. it's a great way to show respect. And it's easy! ... when I met his family, I surprised everyone."
The Pimsleur Method harnesses your natural ability to listen and learn so you can:
There is nothing more exciting or enjoyable than speaking a new language.
to try Pimsleur’s Revolutionary Method Free for One Week and you can:
I love japanese and thanks to this method it loves me back! Even my japanese friend is impressed. I do it while taking my daily walk. I'm literally learning a whole new language in no time."
Many people have remarked that they learned to speak another language using the Pimsleur Method, when all their previous efforts failed."
Pimsleur's revolutionary Method taps into your natural ability to learn through hearing and speaking so you can speak a new language quickly and easily. Through his years of research, Dr. Pimsleur discovered how to unlock the language learning centers of the mind and make learning new languages fast—even for adults.
Go from not knowing a single word to confidently speaking in just 30 days.
We figured the best way to prove the Pimsleur Method will work for you, even if you have never taken a language before ... feel like you have “no aptitude” for languages ... or you did poorly in languages in school or with other programs ... is to let you try a Pimsleur subscription for one week—FREE!
You’ll be able to see first-hand why millions have used Pimsleur’s scientifically-proven method -- the absolute best way to learn a new language. It’s been featured on PBS and in The New York Times, Boston Herald, Washington Post, the LA Times and more.
In fact, top government agencies, the FBI, Fortune 500 companies, and the military have relied on Pimsleur when speaking a foreign language is critical.
To succeed with Pimsleur’s scientifically-proven method all you need to do is listen and respond for 30 minutes a day. It’s that easy!
Many people have remarked that they learned to speak another language using the Pimsleur Method, when all their previous efforts failed."
Pimsleur's revolutionary Method taps into your natural ability to learn through hearing and speaking so you can speak a new language quickly and easily. Through his years of research, Dr. Pimsleur discovered how to unlock the language learning centers of the mind and make learning new languages fast—even for adults.
Go from not knowing a single word to confidently speaking in just 30 days.
We figured the best way to prove the Pimsleur Method will work for you, even if you have never taken a language before ... feel like you have “no aptitude” for languages ... or you did poorly in languages in school or with other programs ... is to let you try a Pimsleur subscription for one week—FREE!
You’ll be able to see first-hand why millions have used Pimsleur’s scientifically-proven method -- the absolute best way to learn a new language. It’s been featured on PBS and in The New York Times, Boston Herald, Washington Post, the LA Times and more.
In fact, top government agencies, the FBI, Fortune 500 companies, and the military have relied on Pimsleur when speaking a foreign language is critical.
To succeed with Pimsleur’s scientifically-proven method all you need to do is listen and respond for 30 minutes a day. It’s that easy!
Dr. Pimsleur developed a 4-part, language-learning system that allows you to access the language-learning centers in your brain. His 4 principles make it possible for you to:
Pimsleur called the technique that makes this possible “Graduated Interval Recall.” Through his research in linguistics, he discovered that mindless repetition of vocabulary words has a dulling affect on the brain. However, when words and phrases are repeated at specific time intervals, they automatically move from your short-term memory into your long-term memory.
We’ve all experienced that tongue-tied feeling when we’re asked to respond to a question in a foreign language. Minutes tick by as you rack your brain for the right words. Dr. Pimsleur developed an arrangement for each lesson consisting of “mini-step challenges” he called “anticipation.” This exclusive technique erases the “fear factor” in conversing and makes it possible to respond naturally and effortlessly in a foreign language.
Although every language has hundreds of thousands of words, you only need to know about 1,500 of them to hold a basic conversation and sound like a native speaker – and only about 5,000 to speak fluently. These “core vocabulary” words are what your Pimsleur course will focus on so you can internalize the words before moving on. Once you master these words, expanding your vocabulary is easy.
You don’t need to study grammar to speak correctly. Your internal language center intuitively knows when something sounds correct. For example, if someone said, “Him and I goed to the store” you would automatically know it isn’t correct. With Pimsleur, you’ll learn proper pronunciation and grammar through conversation – the same way you learned your first language.
These 4 scientifically-sequenced principles are what make the Pimsleur Method so hightly effective. The method can work for you just as it has for millions of others. All you need to do is listen and respond. It’s that easy!
Whether you tried to learn in high school, college, or from another program you quickly realized the goal of the course wasn't on communicating. You had to memorize rules, translate sentences, or point and click on photos on a computer screen or other device. But with Pimsleur, you’ll listen to two native speakers, while your tutor coaches you on how to respond. Each lesson is scientifically-sequenced to ensure it will work for you the same way it’s worked for millions of others before.
Take a look at the chart below and you'll see why Pimsleur is light years ahead of the competition!
Rosetta Stone
You’ll need to click on images on a computer or other device1
Perhaps the best thing Rosetta Stone has done is advertise. But, like most programs, Rosetta Stone focuses on reading, writing, and grammar. You’re tethered to a screen reading and doing drills. As Dr. Pimsleur discovered more than 50 years ago – this is not the optimal way to learn. Besides, do you really want to spend more time staring at a computer after you get home from work?
Pimsleur Method is specifically designed so you can learn on the go. That means you can pick up Spanish on your way to work ... Put yourself on track to become fluent in French while you cook dinner ... Perfect your Italian accent while you walk the dog ... Practice your German while you fold clothes ... or even learn a hard language like Arabic or Korean while you workout.
It’s easy because you can play any Pimsleur lesson on the device of your choice — computer, tablet, iPod®, iPhone®, or other smartphone including Android™. The lessons are audio only—you never have to look at a screen and click on pictures, so you’re free to practice while driving, cooking, or walking the dog.
Each lesson takes just 30 minutes and you can even break up into sections throughout your day so it's incredibly easy to stick with the program.
I love to travel, and I love to speak with the people when I get there! I have listened to Pimsleur in French, Spanish, Italian, German, Chinese, Japanese, and now Dutch. If you want to learn a language, start with Pimsleur before you do anything else!”
Pimsleur is great! After completing Rosetta Stone, I still couldn't really SAY anything, I knew vocabulary but struggled with making up sentences and conversing. Pimsleur is great at forcing me to recall phrases and sentences, really allowing me to converse more effectively. Pimsleur also does a much better job with grammar.”
It was really worth of money. I am in love with the Pimsleur method. I just studied for 30 min a day. I am on lesson 17 and I can speak basic Spanish. I can not believe it. It was really worth of money.”
Pimsleur is definitely the way to go. I also own Rosetta Stone and I can tell you that I have learned more Spanish in 1 month with Pimsleur than I have learned in a year with Rosetta Stone.”
Pimsleur dances. It prompts, cajoles, teases, prods you into saying stuff. It is witty. It keeps you constantly on your toes, getting you to think how to use parts of one sentence you’ve learned in combination with parts of another sentence.”
I recommend your program to everyone. I've used your Italian, your German, your Japanese, and now your Swedish, all to great effect …”
It’s easy, it’s fun and it’s simple. To be honest, I didn’t think that I would be able to learn a foreign language at 59 years old... I was wrong. With the Pimsleur system, you can’t help but learn.”
The Pimsleur Method is now used by the FBI, Homeland Security, State Department, Marine Corps, and Navy, Fortune 500 companies such as Mercer and Alcoa, as well as diplomats, journalists, aid workers, and business executives who need to learn a language quickly and effectively.
Listen to what "Pimsleur graduates" have to say about our world-famous method...
My Pimsleur Stories
The Pimsleur Method is now used by the FBI, Homeland Security, State Department, Marine Corps, and Navy, Fortune 500 companies such as Mercer and Alcoa, as well as diplomats, journalists, aid workers, and business executives who need to learn a language quickly and effectively.
Listen to what "Pimsleur graduates" have to say about our world-famous method...
My Pimsleur Stories
The Pimsleur Method is now used by the FBI, Homeland Security, State Department, Marine Corps, and Navy, Fortune 500 companies such as Mercer and Alcoa, as well as diplomats, journalists, aid workers, and business executives who need to learn a language quickly and effectively.
Listen to what "Pimsleur graduates" have to say about our world-famous method...
My Pimsleur Stories
The Pimsleur Method is now used by the FBI, Homeland Security, State Department, Marine Corps, and Navy, Fortune 500 companies such as Mercer and Alcoa, as well as diplomats, journalists, aid workers, and business executives who need to learn a language quickly and effectively.
Listen to what "Pimsleur graduates" have to say about our world-famous method...
My Pimsleur Stories
The Pimsleur Method is now used by the FBI, Homeland Security, State Department, Marine Corps, and Navy, Fortune 500 companies such as Mercer and Alcoa, as well as diplomats, journalists, aid workers, and business executives who need to learn a language quickly and effectively.
Listen to what "Pimsleur graduates" have to say about our world-famous method...
My Pimsleur Stories
The Pimsleur Method is now used by the FBI, Homeland Security, State Department, Marine Corps, and Navy, Fortune 500 companies such as Mercer and Alcoa, as well as diplomats, journalists, aid workers, and business executives who need to learn a language quickly and effectively.
Listen to what "Pimsleur graduates" have to say about our world-famous method...
My Pimsleur Stories
Experience the joy of learning Spanish with the scientifically-proven Pimsleur Method.
Your FREE trial gives you access to the full Pimsleur program for a full week. That’s our complete course– up to a $550 value!
It’s easy! Simply practice one lesson each day for 30 days to start speaking. All the lessons use the Pimsleur Mobile or Desktop app for convenient on-the-go learning on virtually any device.
After your FREE week trial, your subscription allows you to continue on your way to fluency for just $20.95/month. This simple Pay-As-You-Go subscription offer gives you access to ALL lessons at that price.
Don’t miss out. Try Pimsleur today while your first week is FREE!