With Pimsleur, you don't just study a new language, you learn to speak a new language. You learn to communicate in the language. You don't learn rules, vocabulary lists or grammar out of context. You acquire your new language by listening, mimicking and answering questions -- the same way you mastered your native language as a child.
Because learning a new language is not about how many words you know, how many grammar rules you’ve learned, or how many catch phrases you're able to memorize. It's about understanding what you hear, and responding easily and naturally.
It's about helping your brain do what it's designed to do. And with the help of the scientifically-proven Pimsleur Method, you too can speak French in just 30 Days.
With Dr. Pimsleur's revolutionary method, you're able to learn on all fronts -- with one common goal: speaking your new language quickly and without rules, drills, or boring repetition. Because you learn the phrases and words you're most likely to need, language comes alive, and the vocabulary, grammar, and native-like pronunciation are ready whenever you are.
By "anticipating" the answer to each question, your brain is actively learning and developing new neural connections.
You learn your new language using conversational exchanges, just as you learned your first language, with the added benefit of a method scientifically-proven to accelerate learning in the adult brain.
A scientifically-sequenced and proven schedule which moves the items you learn from short-term to long-term memory.
The Pimsleur Method teaches the most common words and grammatical structures so you can start speaking immediately... in a meaningful way.
Dr. Pimsleur's memory-training technique dramatically improves the language-learning centers in your brain. The Pimsleur programs are unique because of something they don't have -- and because of something they do have -- exclusively!
No Mindless Repetition.
Many language courses -- including some of the most well-known ones -- try to teach a language by "drumming it in" with endless repetition of words and phrases, boring conjugations, irrelevant vocabulary, and mindless drills. It's no wonder so many Americans are monolingual!
Instead, Dr. Pimsleur focused on delivering the information at the right time to train your brain to respond easily. He called it: Graduated Interval Recall.
This impressive-sounding concept is really quite simple. Dr. Pimsleur's research into the psychology of linguistics revealed that unstructured mindless repetition (rote-memorization) has a dulling effect on the brain! It doesn't work.
Through his studies at UCLA and Ohio State University, Dr. Pimsleur discovered that if words and phrases are repeated at specific time intervals, they are easily stored in long-term memory. This core principle is what makes the Pimsleur courses unique and highly effective!
But I've Never Been Able to Learn a Foreign Language -- No Matter How Hard I've Tried!
You probably 'took' a foreign language class in school or college -- and now you remember only a few words or phrases. Or you may have even invested money into another program -- only to realize that it did not have the objective of teaching you to communicate immediately in the foreign language.
One of the main reasons other courses failed to live up to your expectations is because they leave the burden of learning totally up to the learner! They have you pointing and clicking at photos on a computer screen. They have you concerned with grammar rules, translation, or literature. But Pimsleur is different. With Pimsleur, you have a tutor constantly managing the process of instruction, guiding and coaching you to success.
The Pimsleur courses are scientifically-sequenced to guarantee that they will work with you as they have for millions before you. All you need to do is follow your tutor's instructions and participate in the conversation.
If your objective is to learn to swim, would you try to learn on a computer? If your objective is to speak the language then put the scientifically-proven Pimsleur Method to the test and learn naturally through conversation, not through mindless repetition or by pointing and clicking at images on a screen.
I had the GREATEST SUCCESS with the Pimsleur method…
The grammar and sentence structure seep into your long-term memory.
Many people have remarked that they learned to speak another language using the Pimsleur system, when all their previous efforts failed.
Pimsleur … boil[s] down the essential elements of a foreign language so that beginners can acquire basic skills immediately…
Learn French while commuting, German while jogging, Spanish while cooking-all with NO WRITTEN MATERIALS!
Do you have time in your busy schedule to attend classes? Does the mere thought of spending an additional hour in front of a computer once the kids are in bed and the dirty dishes are put away, give you a headache?
From the first course in 1963, Dr. Pimsleur wanted to make learning a language much, much easier. The Pimsleur Method is completely portable.
Pimsleur digital lessons play on your device of choice—computer, tablet, iPod®, iPhone® or other smartphones including Android™. Take the lessons anywhere and learn on your schedule. If you’re more traditional, take our CDs with you on your drive or enjoy them at home.
Learning a language is not unlike a gym membership. The hardest part is getting to the gym regularly. Pimsleur makes it easy to commit half an hour a day to accomplish your goals.
Listen and learn French while you’re driving to work, exercising, waiting for a plane, walking the dog, or commuting on the bus or train. It’s just 30 minutes a day — anywhere, anytime. In fact, 75% of our customers learned their new language on the go.
Dr. Paul Pimsleur’s dream was to build a course for all world languages, housing them at the Library of Congress, and distributing them when needed because of War or Disaster. We are proud to continue his dream. In the last few years, Pimsleur has supported relief agencies and our troops…
Whether you plan to complete the daily lessons on your computer or on the go, you’ll get the best results by following the simple guidelines we call ‘The Golden Rules of Pimsleur.’
Follow the simple rules and you’ll quickly be speaking and understanding your new language.
It’s that easy.
Enjoy your new French skills in person when you travel — to break the ice at that business meeting in Paris, or with your new in-laws from Toulouse.
Dr. Paul Pimsleur (1927-1976) was an accomplished academic who received his Ph.D. from Columbia University. He became a professor at UCLA and Ohio State. Highly respected in his field, the prestigious American Council on Foreign Languages (ACTFL) named an annual award after him: The Paul Pimsleur Award for Research in Foreign Language Education.
“It was established as a memorial to Paul Pimsleur and recognizes his contributions to the profession as an outstanding teacher, researcher, and expert…”
Pimsleur has helped millions learn a new language in the past 50 years and is currently used by the FBI, Homeland Security, State Department, Marine Corps, and Navy, Fortune 500 companies such as Mercer and Alcoa, diplomats, journalists, aid workers, and business executives who need to learn a language quickly and effectively.
I love to travel, and I love to speak with the people when I get there! I have listened to Pimsleur in French, Spanish, Italian, German, Chinese, Japanese, and now Dutch. If you want to learn a language, start with Pimsleur before you do anything else!”
It’s easy, it’s fun and it’s simple. To be honest, I didn’t think that I would be able to learn a foreign language at 59 years old... I was wrong. With the Pimsleur system, you can’t help but learn.”
Pimsleur dances. It prompts, cajoles, teases, prods you into saying stuff. It is witty. It keeps you constantly on your toes, getting you to think how to use parts of one sentence you’ve learned in combination with parts of another sentence.”
Pimsleur dances. It prompts, cajoles, teases, prods you into saying stuff. It is witty. It keeps you constantly on your toes, getting you to think how to use parts of one sentence you’ve learned in combination with parts of another sentence.”
Pimsleur is definitely the way to go. I also own Rosetta Stone and I can tell you that I have learned more Spanish in 1 month with Pimsleur than I have learned in a year with Rosetta Stone.”
It was really worth of money. I am in love with the Pimsleur method. I just studied for 30 min a day. I am on lesson 17 and I can speak basic Spanish. I can not believe it. It was really worth of money.”
Pimsleur is great! After completing Rosetta Stone, I still couldn't really SAY anything, I knew vocabulary but struggled with making up sentences and conversing. Pimsleur is great at forcing me to recall phrases and sentences, really allowing me to converse more effectively. Pimsleur also does a much better job with grammar.”